React Flow


Flow is a static type checker for your JavaScript code. It checks your code for errors through static type annotations. With the help of these types, Flow will make sure it works the way it does.

// @flow

onChange = (e: EventHandler) => {
    this.setState({ []: })


render () {
  const { year, set, cardNo } = this.state
  return (
      onSubmit={isCreate ? this.handleCreate : this.handleSubmit}
        onChange={this.onChange(year)} // Error!

Why We Use It

  • We want to check the structure of props that we send to our components.
  • We want to know the types of parameters our functions have and what they return.
  • It is easy to install and implement.


Please see Flow Installation for more detailed instructions.


The Flow background process monitors all Flow files that's why you have to indicate the following before any code in a JavaScript file for it to recognize that it uses Flow.

// @flow

  your code here

Or you can also use the form /* @flow */ as a flag instead of the one above.

You can annotate an Array of any Type by adding [] at the end

PrimitiveArray Counterpart

Node props such as children can be annotated as React.Node

Import React from 'react' // Don't forget to import React

type Props ={
  children: React.Node
const MyCard = ({children}: Props) => (
  <div className="Card">

Use PascalCase when defining a type alias

type OrderType = {
  refId: string,
  date: Date // Flow comes with Date type out of the box

type Props = {
  orders: OrderType[]

Avoid using any or mixed

Use Union Type if your variables have more than a single type

type ComponentProps = {
  children: string | number | React.Node


Functional Component

// Pascal Case when defining types
type Props = {
  header: string // Lower Case when using primitive types

const MyComponent = (props: Props) => (
  <div className='Header'>
    <h1>Mashup Garage</h1>
export default MyComponent

Class Component

A Class Component should by default have a type for State and Props. This will act as a reference to what data the component has and will save you from type related mistakes.

import React, { Component } from 'react'

type Props = {
  siteTitle: string

type State = {
  pageHeader: string

class MyComponent extends Component<Props, State> {
  state = { pageHeader: 'Home' }

  render() {
    return (
      <div className='Header'>
export default MyComponent


Every argument and every variable declared inside the function should have a type annotation.

export const validateEmail = (email: ?string) => {
  const errors = []
  if (!email) {
    errors.push('Email Required')
  } else if (!/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(email)) {
    errors.push('Invalid Email Address')
  return errors
