Test Blitz

How does this work?
A small event similar to CSS Blitz where we get our members have our newly developed projects showcased and tested.
Imagine, a private beta-testing event within Mashup Garage.
What are the prerequisites?
- We identify projects/teams who would like their products tested; usually end of sprint or pre-launch periods.
- Product owners highlight areas or the coverage of the bug hunting session.
- They can choose to have users test the entire project or test a certain feature.
- Prepare a shared document where testers can collaborate to file bugs. Shared document so it prevents duplicates and ideally outside of their current bug tracking tool.
- Anyone can participate.
- We will announce the projects being tested ahead of time via our #general channel.
- The testers will sign up which project they'd like to test.
- They start testing!
What is expected?
Bugs, lots of bugs.
- Product owners or project managers will decide what to do with the results of the bug hunting session.
- Product owners can decide to give rewards to testers depending on the severity.